Nodiatis Wiki

This article deals with the effectiveness of leveling both Class Enhancement and Class Specialization.

Assuming that the class specialty is of 4% of something (2 classes have this, but it is an approximate average between 3%, 5 classes, and 5%, 11 classes) this table will show you how much experience is required for the quickest way to get a 1% or greater gain from combining Class Enhancement and Class Specialization as opposed to leveling either Class Enhancement or Class Specialization explicitly for a gain.

Specialty CE CS Cumulative Exp
4% 0 0 0
5% 50 0 2.6*10^7
5% 0 25 4.8*10^6
5% 16 16 1.9*10^6
6% 100 0 2.6*10^8
6% 0 50 4.3*10^7
6% 33 29 1.2*10^7
7% 100 17 2.6*10^8
7% 0 75 1.7*10^8
7% 45 43 4.0*10^7
8% 100 34 2.7*10^8
8% 0 100 5.2*10^8
8% 57 56 9.3*10^7
9% 100 50 3.0*10^8
9% 25 100 5.2*10^8
9% 68 68 1.8*10^8
10% 100 67 3.8*10^8
10% 50 100 5.4*10^8
10% 81 78 3.2*10^8
11% 100 84 5.3*10^8
11% 75 100 6.1*10^8
11% 96 86 5.1*10^8
12% 100 100 7.8*10^8

For those who wish to check my math, the ExpLevels article has all experience levels listed. Each of the totals on the right of this table is simply a running total of experience from both skills. The formula used to calculate when a combination of skills reaches each 1% mark, the following equation is used: (1 + CE * .005) * (1 + CS * .01) * S, where CE is the level of Class Enhancement, CS is the level of Class Specialization, and S is the particular specialty being tested (in this case 4%). This equation yields the effective specialization per level of either Class Enhancement or Class Specialization.

In summary, the fastest way possible to get a qualitative result is to level both skills simultaneously.
