Nodiatis Wiki

By pressing the '/' you will be able to issue a console command (if you start typing the game will automatically begin your command with "/c " or which ever command you have set in your options to be the default chat).

/go <valid action code>

usage unknown as no valid action code is known at this time, may be a programing error.


used to turn on debug mode where you can get more info in your sun console to help us debug client issues. Keeping it on otherwise is not recommended and can hurt performance. (no longer works)


converts your standard account time to 1/3rd as much premium time.


displays your unique recruitment link


displays your unique recruitment link as a clickable signature

/buddy <name> or /b <name> or /f <name>

Adds player to buddy list

/Ignore or /i <name>

Puts player on ignore list.


clears your ignore list

/Inspect <name>

displays current equiptment and stats for that player

/group <text> or /g <text>

sends text to your group

/c <text> or /civil <text> or /s

send the text to the civil chat channel

/u <text> or /uncivil <text>

send the text to the uncivil chat channel

/clan1 <text> or /1 <text>

send the text to your primary clan's chat channel

/clan2 <text> or /2 <text>

send the text to your secondary clan's chat channel

/dnd or /d

sets do not disturb mode rejecting all incoming tells, trades, and duels.

/afk or /a

sets afk mode, that will auto reply from any tell that you are afk and may not have gotten the message. /afk will also keep you logged in if you close your window or your computer disconects. You will still be booted if the server is rebooted.

/tell <name> <text> or /t <name> <text> or /m <name> <text>

send the text in a private message to the character name